Home 5 Article 5 Doors.NET License Revisions & SMA Removal

Simplified license tiers and the removal of service maintenance agreements.


We are pleased to announce that we are simplifying our Doors.NET License tiers and removing all service maintenance agreements to provide our customers with an exceptionally competitive and streamlined license structure.

This means you no longer worry about annual fees, due dates, or price increases. Rest assured, you will continue to receive the same expert support you have come to expect from us.

If you recently renewed your SMA with us, kindly contact your local sales manager, and we will credit the value.

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What’s Changing?


We have replaced the Appliance, Standard, and Pro tiers with Basic (free), Corporate, and Elite tiers. The feature inclusions have been adjusted to make quoting or purchasing quicker and easier for our users.

We are also removing the Service maintenance agreement fees from all tiers.

We feel these changes put Doors.NET at the forefront of the industry, providing one of the most flexible, cost-effective, featured, and robust access control management suits you can find supporting Keri-manufactured hardware and the full Authentic Mercury controller range.


New License Tiers:

DoorsNET Tiers 1

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