Alphabet Corner Preschool
- Two Facilities - 3,000 and 7,000 square feet
- Gated Playground
- Single door entrance
The Situation
Alphabet Corner Preschool, a daycare-preschool facility in New Jersey, was tired of answering the doorbell.
“We originally had a doorbell with an intercom system at the front door for the parents. We’d be letting them in constantly,” says Valerie Matteo, the founder and owner of Alphabet Corner. And though nothing had gone wrong so far, the parents were increasingly voicing their concerns about security for this most precious cargo, their children.
So in 2002 Ms. Matteo began investigating ways to make access to Alphabet Corner more secure for her charges and easier for herself and her staff.
The Keri Solution
Working with Butch McHale at JC Magee Security, Alphabet Corner decided on a Keri Systems MS-3000 MicroStar, mullion mount proximity card reader with a PXL-500P controller for the front door – the only entrance that parents are permitted to use. (The gated playground and the emergency doors would remain on lock-and-key systems.)
Instead of constantly answering the doorbell, enrolled parents could present their cards and enter the foyer. If the doorbell rang, the staff knew it was someone not enrolled in the school.
Ms. Matteo knows that the Keri system has made a positive difference in growing her business. “One new parent was touring several facilities and chose us. She said that the fact that you couldn’t just walk in, like you could with other facilities, had a lot to do with signing up.”
In 2004, Alphabet Corner built a second facility about a mile away. The front door at this 3,000 square foot facility also has one MS-3000 card reader and a PXL-500P controller. The two buildings are networked so that from her desktop computer, Ms. Matteo can use her Keri Systems’ DoorsTM access control system software to manage security at both locations. The system is programmed so that cards are readable at both locations.
“The Keri system is simple to use,” Ms. Matteo notes. “I had one training and that was all I needed.”
“If a card is lost or stolen I can deactivate the card instantly from my computer. And when they leave the school for good, they return the card to me (I hope),” she says. If the card isn’t returned, it is simply deactivated in the Doors software.
Besides, she adds, “The system pays for itself because the clientele feels more secure, and the card costs are passed on to the clientele.”
Equipment Used
- 2 Keri Systems MS-3000 MicroStar – mullion mount proximity card readers
- 2 Keri Systems PXL-500P controllers
- DoorsTM Access Control System Software